Leave the hard work to us!
Garage Door Maintenance

Extend Your Door's Life

Professional Maintenance Can Go A Long Way!

Garage Door Maintenance

Garage Door Maintenance Service | Garage Door Repair New Canaan, CT

Lots of problems can start affecting your automatic garage door over time, and many of them can be not only complex to handle, but dangerous as well. In order to avoid a lot of issues, regularly maintaining the mechanism is important. We know that's not exactly something you're eager to spend time on, so we'll be happy to take this responsibility off your hands.

The Different Benefits

Regular maintenance can do wonders for your garage door. Not only will it allow our technicians to catch minor issues before they become major ones, it will also help us apply lubrication to the moving metal parts, which will promote the door's efficient and silent movement. Wear and tear comes with the territory as far as garage door systems are concerned, but that doesn't mean that you have to accept problems as a given. By ensuring the system experiences less malfunctions, you'll be able to extend its longevity and enjoy its optimal performance for a lot longer.

The Crucial Springs

We'll make sure that these load bearing components are in an optimal condition and that their coils haven't become deformed. If the door fails our balance test, we'll adjust the springs accordingly and make sure that the panels open and close evenly and smoothly.

Safety Testing The Opener

To prevent a lot of accidents that involve the automated process of the system, we'll test your opener's safety features and make sure they're all functioning correctly. We'll check the alignment of the safety sensors to see to it that they can adequately detect an obstacle, and we'll test the unit's auto-reverse function, so should the panels end up hitting something when the door closes, the system will reverse at the first sign of resistance.

Excellence Is Achievable

Rather than waiting for something to go wrong at the least convenient time, simply contact our team at Garage Door Repair New Canaan and let us prevent these issues from ever affecting you. Call today.

Need more? We also provide:

Install New Panels

Install New Panels

Oil Tempered Torsion Springs

Oil Tempered Torsion Springs

New Garage Doors

New Garage Doors

Opener Sensor Replacement

Opener Sensor Replacement


Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Fill your details here below and let us know how we can help!


When you hire our company, you can rest assured you're in good hands. Your satisfaction is our guarantee.

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

Select Date and time
Feb 12, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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